Below are some pictures of the Huron Fire Department’s new rescue. There is a large amount of storage up top for additional cribbing, hazmat and leak containment equipment, some ellis screw jacks, little giant ladder, and a portable generator. Additional space is still available throughout the rig to move or add equipment as found necessary. I share these pictures to show some of the mounting options available, and to suggest looking at many rigs when organizing your new rig. Plan them out so they work for your department’s operations.
This rig is first due to MVC’s and most rescue related incidents, minus water rescue.
- Hand tools, electric tools, air bags, air chisel, trex saw
- Petrogen torch, electric jackhammer, highlift-jacks
- Struts
- Chains, hand tools, lighting, etc.
- Rope rescue
- TNT cutter, spreader, ram
- Air tools and man-in-machinary kits – top shelf
- Cribbing boxes – both sides of rig